There is no secret to the fact that there is a way to succeed at work without even having begun to work. The secret lies in a simple yet effective and well written resume. A resume is perhaps the most important document that you can create in your lifetime. It does not only ensure whether you can obtain a great job or not, it is also a reflection of your character, your history, your abilities, and your sense of self-respect. Therefore, having a great resume can do wonders to land you the job of your dreams and provide the first step along the path to success. Have An Organized Resume The most clear indication of a perfect worker is his or her sense of organization. A hiring manager can sense this fact alone in the way you present your resume. Does your resume have wide margins and formatted headings? Is it more than just a “wall of text”? Are your skills and accomplishments clearly displayed? In essence, your resume should do the work of a hiring manager for them. A hiring manager should be able to pick up your resume and instantly know whether you are the perfect candidate for an interview or not. Explain Your Achievements Being organized is not the only needed detail, however. When writing a resume never simply list the description of any job you previously had. Actually describe your contribution to the job instead. Instead of saying “File Clerk”, list all the duties and things you accomplished as a file clerk, including the tough and easy tasks. Include A Career Summary Typically, the average candidate for a job only has a matter of thirty seconds to make a favorable impression on a hiring manager or not. This little amount of time is crucial to getting your point across. Write an attention getting career summary instead of saying why you can do a job with a skill you have. Employers always favor experience over inexperience, and someone who fully shows all of their past glories is much more likely to land a job. Success at work can be attained from the very beginning with a great job resume. By catching an employer’s attention, they will not only hire you but also come to praise your accomplishments in your new post more readily. A concise, detailed, attention grabbing resume is the most vital paper document you can ever create. | |